growth, change and leadership

Luke Mallett Consulting Ltd, A company Limited by Guarantee 15130094. Registered 182 Worcester Rd, Bromsgrove

Luke Mallett, Director, Luke Mallett Consulting

Luke set up his consultancy in 2023, drawing upon over 20 years in leadership ​roles within some of the UK's largest charities, including The British Heart ​Foundation, Save the Children, Young Lives vs Cancer and Ripple Effect ​International. He has worked in Director roles in fundraising, marketing, and ​transformation, with several years as CEO of a regional health charity. He has ​led teams across the UK, and globally within the USA and Africa. Luke is Chair of ​the Elischer Foundation.

Now working with a group of trusted associates and freelancers, Luke ensures that each project benefits ​from tailored expertise and skills. He adopts a purpose-led approach to growth, integrating income ​generation, innovation, marketing, and cultural/behavioural development with systemic change. This ​holistic strategy ensures not only the achievement of growth but its sustainability and alignment with ​each client organisation’s core mission.

Luke is deeply committed to the transformative power of change, which has been a consistent theme ​throughout his career. He has witnessed firsthand both the positive impact of well-managed change and ​the detrimental effects of cyclical restructuring that often neglects culture, behaviours, performance ​measurement, and system change.

“Change is relentless and accelerating. As leaders, we must learn to navigate this ​change wave, staying adaptable and empathetic. We need to meet people where ​they are, fully engaging with our whole selves, all while staying rooted in our ​purpose.”

Our approach

At the heart of our consultancy is a dedication to driving ​growth and enabling transformative change. We seamlessly ​integrate income generation with strategic marketing ​alongside change to help you navigate sustainable growth for ​your organisation.

We devise tailored strategies that foster sustainable growth and facilitate lasting change, ​empowering charities and not-for-profits to amplify their impact. Together with our clients, we ​identify and remove barriers to growth, crafting and implementing dynamic solutions that clear ​the way forward.

Our team’s expertise spans branding, marketing, fundraising, as well as system and ​organizational change. This extensive knowledge allows us to deliver comprehensive solutions ​that encompass all aspects of development and growth. By integrating these services, we avoid ​the complexity and costs associated with coordinating multiple agencies to fulfill the same brief

Want to find out more? Reach out today to discuss how we can help.


It’s good to talk! An initial ​discussion of a potential project or ​piece of work is always free and ​with no obligation. To book a ​virtual cuppa and a chat please ​click here.

As a consultancy we also offer some pro ​bono and reduced rate work with charities ​that might otherwise not be able to afford ​specialist support at the time they need it the ​most. We work to keep out costs down, and ​we will actively advise you on how you can ​help us to do this too. Enjoy the brew!z

thank you and let’s grab that ​cuppa soon:

+44 7480 675327

Hand flip wooden cube with word change to chance, Personal development and career growth or change yourself concept